Archived Posts
Time – Podcast – May 7, 2019
35 Day Practice Day 9
Pastoral Care
This will be a very short post on a subject I’ll come back to at another time. Tonight we had guest speaker who is a Baptist minister who specializes in pastoral care. He works primarily with patients who have mental illnesses. His talked touched on three different ways of thinking and problem solving. Briefly the are; either/or, neither/nor, and both ends. At some point in the future I’ll come back to this. One final thing…
100 year commemorative event
10/24/08 – This afternoon we are discussing how wep shall celebrate the 100 year anniversary of Nichiren Shu in North America. We are also begining the discussion on celebrating the 800th anniversary of the birth of Nichiren. Rev. Cederman will chair a children’s education committee. We also discussed creating an English manga on Nichiren. Also as part of a continuing discussion some ideas that have come up are things such as: being more visible in…
Sketchy signal strength
Trying to stay on top of posts but the signal strength has been unstable. So, for those following updates please be patient. Pictures may have to wait until I return.
Morning service 10/24/08
At morning service today we were reminded again about the mission of a priest to serve others with joy. We were each given traditional Japanese art boards depicting such service.