Archived Posts
![Understanding Is The Ground For Compassion – April 26, 2012 Meditation](
Understanding Is The Ground For Compassion – April 26, 2012 Meditation
New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day Service Schedule
It’s almost time to welcome in a new year, 2018. This year as in years past Myosho-ji will celebrate this occasion with a series of services. At this time our intent is to put to rest the things which we have accomplished as well as the things yet to be finished and reflect on the outcomes and ways of moving forward. This is a time to reflect on our past behaviors with a gentle heart…
Book Recommendations – Some of What I’m Reading Now
Once Upon a Norther Night In this exquisite lullaby, the beauty and wonder of a northern winter night unfold, with images of a soft snowfall, the wild animals that appear in the garden, the twinkling stars, the gentle rhythm of the northern lights and the etchings of frost on the window pane. As the young child sleeps, wrapped in a downy blanket, a snowflake falls, and then another and another. The poem describes the forest…
The Book Important Matters is Finished
I have finished the draft of my new book Important Matters, a book discussing our attitude and contemplations as we carry out our practice of the Lotus Sutra. All that remains is for me to review the edits suggested by John Hughes and his wife Mary who have done wonderful work on some of my previous books, improving them greatly. From that point it will be a easy matter to format the book and prepare…
Giving Tuesday Today – November 28, 2017
Here is a list of Nichiren Order of North America Sanghas and links that have been provided where you can make your donations. Please consider donating today. Nichiren Buddhist Sangha of Greater New England – Houston – Myoken-ji – no link provided yet Seattle – Enkyo-ji – Rochester – Shoezan Enkyo-ji – Buffalo Sangha – Enkyo-ji – no link provided yet Spokane – Enkyoji Buddhist Sangha of Spokane – Syracuse – Myosho-ji…