Peaceful Practices #2 – February 11, 2014 Meditation (With Portuguese, French & Italian Translation)

Portuguese, French, and Italian translations appears after English The Bodhisattva should wish To make all living beings peaceful, And then expound the Dharma to them. He should make a seat in a pure place, Apply ointment to his skin, Wash dirt and dust off himself, Wear a new and undefiled robe, Clean himself within and without, Sit on the seat of the Dharma peacefully, And then expound the Dharma in answer to questions. Lotus Sutra,…

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Illuminating The World – February 9, 2014 Dharma Talk

“Thereupon the Buddha emitted a ray of light from the white curls between his eyebrows, and illumined all the corners of eighteen thousand world in the east down to the Avichi Hell of each world, and up to the Akaistha Heaven of each world.” Lotus Sutra, Chapter I In this selection we are made aware of the phenomena the assembly present at Mount Sacred Eagle witnessed the Buddha perform. Not only were these places illuminated…

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Buddhism and Money – February 6, 2014 Meditation

Today and every Thursday for the month of February I am going to write about finances, money, and wealth and how it all ties in to and can be thought about in terms of our Buddhist practice. The month of February is Financial Health in the United States, which is what originally gave me the idea. Several years ago when I worked for Bank of America I would volunteer on Monday evenings teaching financial ‘literacy’…

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Peaceful Practices #1 – February 4, 2014 Meditation (With French, Portuguese & Italian Translations)

French, Portuguese and Italian translations appears after English I thought I would do a little series on the Peaceful Practices given to us in the Lotus Sutra Chapter XIV. The four practices are proper practice (shin anrakugyo), mouth practice (ku anrakugyo), mind practice (i anrakugyo), and vow practice (seigon anrakugyo). Anrakugyo means peaceful practice. I encourage you to study along with me over the next several weeks these practices the Buddha gives to those who…

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