Archived Posts
35 Day Practice Day 31
Who’s Your Superior Practices – August 27, 2012 Meditation
Ten Points to Healthy Living – Podcast – May 9, 2019
Chanting The Odaimoku – January 19, 2014 Sunday Dharma Talk (With French Translation)
French translation appears after the English Good morning. Thank you to all of you here in the temple and to those of you who have joined in to our live video stream. Also, thank you to those who will read this at some other time. Thank you for your efforts to practice the Dharma thereby enabling you to attain enlightenment, thereby establishing your happiness as well as the happiness of those in your environment. In…
Doing It Later – January 17, 2014 Mediation (With Italian Translation)
Italian translation appears after the English How often have you said to yourself something to the effect of, “I’ll do it later”? Sometimes there may be little harm in putting something off until later, sometimes it might be wise to do so, other times though putting something off can mean an opportunity lost forever. It is the lost forever moments that we need to carefully consider. What did you do this morning? Did you notice…
Pockets of Peace – January 15, 2014 Meditation
It is possible to live peacefully and calmly even while experiencing the chaos and uncertainties life throws our way. Regardless of the hoop you may be expected to jump through, be it a broken car, expected work demands, forgotten appointments, traffic jams, all can be gotten through while maintaining inner peace and tranquility. First check to see how you are processing the circumstance. Assess the situation gathering the facts, separate from your feelings about those…
Alternative To-Do List – January 13, 2014 Meditation
Everyone knows what a to-do list is, most have them, and some like myself find them both helpful and annoying. To-do lists are supposed to help you organize your life, ensure you get done things you find important, and they can get out of hand when everything in your life ends up on a to-do list. Have you ever thought about making a to-notice list? Sometimes we are so busy doing things, getting things done,…