Archived Posts
Listening – February 3, 2013 Meditation
Planning Waiting – May 12, 2012 Meditation
Relationship To Lotus Sutra – August 25, 2012 Meditation
35 Day Practice Day 3
35 Day Practice Day 3 Read Lotus Sutra: M p. 36 “Any Saravaka or Bodhisattva….(p. 37)…Exactly as I am.” R p. 88 “If a sharavaka or a bodhisattva…(p. 89)…Without any distinctions.” Again, today complete the remainder of your goal time chanting Namu Myoho Renge Kyo. Remember as you chant keep your mind focused on the chanting, this is a meditative practice. If you find your mind wandering say the word ‘thinking’ to yourself and gently…
35 Day Practice Day 2
35 Day Practice Day 2 Read Lotus Sutra: M p. 23 “Thereupon the World-Honored One…(page 24)…despite these differences.” R p. 75 “At that time the World-Honored One…(page 76)…complete fundamental coherence.” Depending upon how long it takes you to read this, and please take your time doing so, chant the remainder of your goal time. If your goal time is used up then just chant Namu Myoho Renge Kyo three times and bow as the conclusion…
35 Day Practice Day 1
35 Day Practice Day 1 Today we begin with reading the Lotus Sutra. For the purpose of this series I will give the pages as found in the current, Second Edition: 1991, Murano (noted as M) translation. I will also provide corresponding pages from the Revees (noted as R) translation, First Edition: 2008. I will provide a beginning initial quote and then a partial ending quote. Please read from the beginning of the quote to…
35 Day Practice; Introduction
35 Day Practice; Introduction Frequently I am asked, especially by new folks, how to practice, or what should a person do to practice. I am somewhat averse to giving specific instructions because I don’t believe we should necessarily approach Buddhism from a strict point of view of do’s and don’ts except in cases where one is in a monastery or under direction and guidance personally. Still though Buddhism is not completely unstructured and there really…