Archived Posts
Unexpected – August 4, 2012 Meditation
Sing Joyfully – Meditations Chapter II – November 11, 2019
Lotus Sutra Chapter I – Part 2 – Dharma Talk in English and French – Video – May 17, 2020
Mirrors – May 8, 2012 Meditation
Mirrors I was driving home from my trip driving through the New England states and I heard a song on the radio which really impressed me. The title of the song is No Mirrors In My Nana’s House by Ysaye Maria Barnwell. The song is about a young girl growing up in her grandmother’s house where there were no mirrors. Every day the girl saw the beauty in her grandmother’s eyes. She never knew that…
Quantum Mechanics, Johari Window, And Lotus Sutra – May 7, 2012 Meditation
Quantum Mechanics, Johari Window, And Lotus Sutra This all started by my reading an article that stated that particles behave differently when they are observed from when they are observed. In experiments done the results seemed to support this possibility. I won’t go into details here, though as someone fascinated by math I found it intriguing. The article got me to thinking about how we live our lives.
In Between – May 6, 2012 Meditation
In Between It’s the stuff in between that makes it solid. For the past several days I have been doing some traveling, driving around visiting national parks and historic sites. First on my list of places was Booker T. Washington’s birth and boyhood home in Virginia. Most of the buildings present today are recreations of destroyed original buildings. Several of the buildings were of log construction. Log construction produces some very substantial structures.
Childlike – May 5, 2012 Meditation
Childlike Children’s Day May fifth is set aside as Children’s Day in Japan, there is no official day set aside in the United States for such a special day. There have been in years past various observances and proclamations concerning a Children’s Day in the US, but nothing has become permanent. In Japan it is thought that observances of Children’s Day go all the way back to the Empress Suiko (593-628 CE). There are five…