Archived Posts
Guide – May 15, 2012 Meditation
Guide Myoken Bodhisattva Day The Bodhisattva Myoken is related to the North Star, the pole star for the northern hemisphere. The pole star, in this case the north star is called such because its appearance in the sky in the northern hemisphere aligns with the northern pole and does not deviate by our normal viewing, though in reality it does vary even if only slightly. Currently there is no equivalent star for the southern hemisphere…
Windows – May 14, 2012 Meditation
Windows I am not sure which came first houses without windows or people without smiles. As I walk around or drive around I always look at the houses in neighborhoods. Houses are really quite fascinating, especially older ones that seem to have a unique character that sometimes seem lacking in some of the more modern or newer subdivisions. Something I am not sure you have noticed is that new construction, new houses usually lack windows…
Outside – May 13, 2012 Meditation
Outside Nichiren’s Exile to Izu Begins 1261 On this day in 1261 Nichiren began his first exile, this exile was to the peninsula of Izu. This was not the first persecution to befall Nichiren, but it was his first exile, though not his last. According to the story Nichiren was cast out of the boat in some very turbulent seas. The shoreline to Izu is somewhat rocky and those transporting Nichiren, I am sure, were…