Archived Posts
Contemplating Disease – Part 5c – Comforting the Ill – September 3, 2018
Faith and Belief – Dharma Talk – 8/1/2010
Recorded Podcast available “Just as a torch dispels darkness, this Sutra of the Lotus Flower of the Wonderful Dharma saves all living beings from all sufferings, from all diseases, and from all the bonds of birth and death.” Lotus Sutra Chapter XXIII Good morning, I hope everyone is doing well today. It has been terribly hot lately but Fall is soon approaching and the cooler weather is sure to return. This is something we think…
Meditation a Science Experiment Demonstration for Children of all Ages
Here is a little demonstration that can be done to help illustrate some of what goes on when we practice meditation. This can be useful to help any of us and perhaps especially children to understand meditation in a much more visual way. For those of you who relate better to visuals you may find this helpful as well. Of course it is entirely possible that this will be of no value to you at…
Video of first four chapters of Lotus Sutra
Here is a very well done animation video of the Lotus Sutra Chapters 1-4. The video is in Chinese but there are English subtitles. I hope the creators do more.
El Tiempo – Charla sobre el Dharma 5/10/2009
The following Spanish translation of my Dharma Talk was done by Yoryu Alzaa who is a Nichiren Shu Shami, novice priest, practicing in Paraguay. I am deeply indebted to him for his time and effort translating this. The English language version can be found by clicking on this link. Gassho Me gustaría hablar un poco sobre el tiempo. En dos semanas estaré dando una lectura sobre los Principales Escritos de Nichiren – Senji Sho que…