Time – Dharma Talk 5/10/2009

Time – Dharma Talk – May 10, 2009 Today I would like to talk a little about time. In two weeks I’ll be giving a lecture on Nichiren’s Major Writing – Senji Sho which in English is abbreviated as On Selection of Time. In this writing Nichiren lays out the argument that this time in which we live, this time called the Age of Degeneration of the True Law, the time in which the efficacy…

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Winners and Losers – Dharma Talk – 1/13/2008

At the present time we are inundated by news coverage of the newly begun primary season for the election of the next president of the United States. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending upon your personal preferences, we will be faced with this coverage for the next ten and one half months until the process concludes in November. One thing constantly mentioned in all of this coverage is talk of winners and losers. It is of course…

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9-11 Buddhism and Terrorism – Dharma Talk 9/10/2006

Today is September 10, 2006 and tomorrow will be the 11th and the 5th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon in Washington, DC and the crashing of a jet in Pennsylvania. Since that day, for the past five years, our country and many others have reacted in various ways to those events. This reminds me of the story of one of the Buddha’s disciples, Ahimsaka, the…

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Hero of the World Dharma Talk 11/01/2008

Today I would like to talk about the 5 practices of the Bodhisattva -, gogyo in Japanese. Also I want to tie this into a phenomenon that we as humans are all too skillful at but it is a skill that hinders us and causes us suffering. That skill is making comparisons, in particular comparisons to other. Earlier this year I gave a Dharma talk on the concept of wining and loosing versus victory and…

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