Friends – May 19, 2012 Meditation

Friends “My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.” (Henry Ford) Yesterday I wrote about goals, setting them and laying out a strategy for achieving them, even if slowly. In yesterday’s piece I mentioned having a friend help you work out how to achieve your goal. I wonder how many of us feel free to approach a friend with such a task? I also wonder if our reluctance is due…

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Seeing Clearly – May 17, 2012 Meditation

Seeing Clearly Moving along in life is very difficult. I think one of the difficulties is facing uncertainty, not knowing what the future will be like, not being able to clearly see what lies in store for us. It is sort of like driving along a road in the midst of a deep fog. Sometimes, depending upon the nature of the circumstance, we may not be able to see to the end of the day…

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Grateful Eating – May 16, 2012 Meditation

Grateful Eating The other day at the temple we were talking about food and healthy alternatives for the foods we love but aren’t necessarily good for us. I have a section on the temple web page for some recipes that have been enjoyed by folks here at the temple, some are reasonably healthy others maybe not so much. All of this got me to thinking about how casually we eat. By casually I don’t mean…

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