Afraid – January 22, 2014 Meditation (With French Translation)

French translation appears following the English A common childhood game that parents play with their children is the fake scare, where you might hide your face behind your hands then drop the hands and say boo! This usually elicits some giggles and laughter from the child, and of course it is good for laughs for a long time. Eventually though it becomes stale and as we age we replace this experience with perhaps other slightly…

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Spiritual Craving – January 20, 2014 Meditation (With French Translation)

French translation appears following the English I thought I would title this daily meditation craving, but my first inclination was to title is Spiritual Lust. I’ll admit it might have been more eye-catching and attractive with lust in the title. According to the dictionary lust has other definitions from sexual connotations. Lust can mean intense longing, enthusiasm, eagerness along with unbridled sexual desire. In 1972 the Polaroid SX-70 camera was introduced and it revolutionized photography…

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Chanting The Odaimoku – January 19, 2014 Sunday Dharma Talk (With French Translation)

French translation appears after the English Good morning. Thank you to all of you here in the temple and to those of you who have joined in to our live video stream. Also, thank you to those who will read this at some other time. Thank you for your efforts to practice the Dharma thereby enabling you to attain enlightenment, thereby establishing your happiness as well as the happiness of those in your environment. In…

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Doing It Later – January 17, 2014 Mediation (With Italian Translation)

Italian translation appears after the English How often have you said to yourself something to the effect of, “I’ll do it later”? Sometimes there may be little harm in putting something off until later, sometimes it might be wise to do so, other times though putting something off can mean an opportunity lost forever. It is the lost forever moments that we need to carefully consider. What did you do this morning? Did you notice…

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